Outline of discussion:
- Brief overview of U19 goals and progress summary (Rui - SLIDES)
- DataJoint - brief summary (Yaki - SLIDES) ~20 minutes
- What is it
- where are we and what is ready for use
- (1) Localization - role of different brain areas in motor and muscle control ~ 30 minutes (Mod: Alice)
- Motor cortex dynamics in relation to muscle activity (Rui, Mark…)
- Other cortical areas (Elizabeth, Mark, Larry…),
- Basal ganglia (Rui, Anders, Ines),
- Thalamus (Randy - SLIDES),
- Cerebellum (Nate - SLIDES)
- How do different areas talk to each other?
- Cross-cortical
- Cerebellar output and BG output to thalamus
- (2) Motor sequences ~ 30 minutes (Mod: Shreya)
- M1 and M2 /SMA (Mark, Abby)
- Basal Ganglia (Rui, Anders, Ines)
- Cortico-thalamic basal ganglia network (Sean - SLIDES, Larry, Laureline, Rui…)
BREAK - Pictionary game!
- (3) Behavioral measures/tasks ~ 30 minutes (Mod: Alice)
- Designing behavioral tasks to isolate specific aspects of motor control/learning
- what are we measuring & what are we missing (hidden variables?)
- Are there postural changes or locomotion during the task that we’re not accounting for
- Movement vs arousal signals (Ken Harris & Matteo Carandini papers) (Mark, Rui, Elizabeth, Darcy, Mark)
- Are neuronal signals 1:1 with EMG signals? (Alice)
- Consistent measures - what is movement and how to really measure?
- Single neuron - single muscle (Alice, Najja, Ines)
- kinematic muscle-skeletal model (John Cunningham, James, Taiga)
- DeepLabCut (Nate)
- (4) Computational methods across datasets ~ 30 minutes (Mod: Shreya)
- Divergent analysis on imaging data (Abby, Mark, Elizabeth, Darcy)
- Measure ‘tangling’ in different cortical areas (Mark)
- big data analysis (Larry, Liam, Yaki, Darcy…)
- future directions
- Unbiased classification of corticospinal neuron subtypes - cell types vs targets (sensory vs motor neurons)
- The spine to the muscle
Subtopics for follow-up meetings:
- Behavioral tasks - pros & cons of each
- Imaging tools and analysis