Theme: Decision Making
This week we are excited to have our next Motor Club on the topic of decision making. Michael Shadlen will give an introduction to the topic, and will be followed by NaYoung So delivering our trainee talk of the month. NaYoung's abstract is below. Attached are relevant readings from Michael Shadlen for those who want to get an early taste of discussion topics.
Speaker: NaYoung So (Shadlen Lab)
Title: Representation of an evolving decision spanning eye movements \
Cognitive operations such as decision-making can persist not only over time, but also across intervening activities. Although the neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) are known to represent neural computations on flexible timescales, LIP neurons are also known to represent information in an oculocentric coordinate frame, which raises the question whether they can carry out computations that span multiple oculomotor actions. We found that the population of neurons in LIP can represent a decision in a head- or allo-centric coordinate frame by passing information to appropriate members of the population during intervening eye movements. Such a population code could represent the evolving decision in a way that achieves invariance to gaze, obviating the need for explicit representation.
Please register using the link below. Food and drinks will be served following the event.